SelectOne Blog

How to Write a Memorable Thank You Note


We've always been taught the importance of expressing our gratitude, so there’s no excuse for leaving these mannerisms behind when interviewing.

Showing your appreciation never goes unrecognized and when it comes to jobs, a thank you note can influence the outcome of your next interview. Check out these tips on how to write a memorable thank you note.

To send a thank you note, or not to send a thank you note - isn’t the question.

Of course you are going to send a thank you note, but when is the right time? It’s critical to send a thank you email or card within 24 hours of the interview. If you forget, don’t fret, it’s always better late than never, but try to make this part of your routine. How you send your thank you note is up to you, it's definitely a personal preference. An email is just as sufficient as a hand written note, but a legibly written hand note gives your potential employer an extra taste of your personality.

It’s easy to blurt out the words, “thank you,” but what are you thankful for?

  • Thank you for your time...yes! 
  • Thank you for elaborating on the role...yes! 
  • Thank you for telling me more about the company...yes!
  • I remain highly interested in the role and look forward to hearing further...yes! 

But let's add a little more. Best practice is to elaborate on what you are thankful for by placing meaning behind those words. Take an extra minute to reflect on your interview, identify 1-3 interview specific discussion points and make note of those in your letter- this illustrates to the hiring manager how engaged you were during the interview. Remember, a thank you note can be a determining factor when it comes down to selecting the best candidate.

It's critical to your personal brand to send a note, even if it is no longer an opportunity you are interested in. We all know how the hiring managers talk and the world is small, so set yourself up for success because you never know who you could be referred to. 


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