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Coping with Rejection


Searching for a job is a stressful and emotionally draining process with rejection being a large and frequent component. Rejection is something that everyone experiences during the course of their career but how you react to it defines you as a person. 

Did you wallow in your sorrows? Or did you shrug it off with a smile on your face thinking that you'll get them next time? Only you know the answer.

Most job seekers find rejection deflating especially if you’ve been on multiple job interviews, you’re unemployed, or you’ve been on the hunt for a considerable period of time. After finding out that a company isn’t interested in you, people often wonder “what did I do wrong?”,  “what’s the matter with me?”,  or “I’ll never find a job.” It’s not easy always being the bridesmaid but never the bride. But don't let it define you.

Use the following tactics to stay positive and focus on what you can do differently next time.

Don't take it personally - Don’t over-analyze and over-think the situation. There are many factors that play into the decision making process, many of which are out of your control. 

Write it out - Look back, make a list, and take a personal inventory of how things went. Reflect on everything from your physical appearance to how mentally prepared you were walking into the interview. Next time you have an interview implement some of the changes or improvements. Remember, the more interviews you go on the better you’ll get and the more comfortable you’ll become. Interviewing gives you exposure to different scenarios and circumstances and serves as great practice for interviews to come.

Believe in your strengths - You were invited to interview for a reason. You're talented and don't forget it. List out your strengths and use this to formulate a strategy to differentiate yourself from your competition. You could be in a race with as many as ten other people for the first round of interviews. So what are you doing to set yourself apart from your counterparts?

Think about temp opportunities - This obviously pertains to those who are unemployed, but a temporary job speaks volumes to a potential employer. While your ultimate goal may be landing a permanent job, taking a temporary assignment can help in many ways - such as: removing a potential gap in employment, showcasing work ethic, providing another reference opportunity and best of all, it has the potential to turn into a permanent position.

Dust off your rolodex - Okay, more realistically, get on LinkedIn. Is your profile up-to-date? If so, start reaching out and connecting with your network. Many times it comes down to the people you know. So start with your close connections and see where that leads you. 

The most important thing about coping with rejection while job hunting is to stay positive, do your best, and be yourself. Hiring is just as much a skills match as it is a personality and culture match. You may be the perfect person for the job but if you don’t mesh with the existing staff then it’s probably for the best that you don't land the job. It’s okay to be turned down, but remember there will always be new opportunities to pursue.



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